Hayat your light is so pure ... You shine from 1000 miles away ... I applaud you and I am very proud of you ... you're an angel...And God bless you


Ohhh!!! My God I must say thank you to you soo much much, I feel light in my body,soul and spiritual, feel so empowered like nothing shall stand on my way to my divine destiny, prosperity and my wealth. Thank you once again I'm grateful to have meet you. Stay blessed...


I have you to thank for all the shifts and I mean it! Merci beaucoup from all my heart & lots of hugs for all the new energy and divine transformation that you have initiated for me in my life.


Thank you Hayat for the theta healing, yoga and breathing sessions.

What started off as a one-off trial session with Hayat, turned into a life-altering experience with actual results. After just 3 theta sessions I felt positive and began experiencing real life changes. This is not simply mental hocus pocus but actually works on a deeper level. It is amazing that besides our karma there are so many genetic influences in our lives. Hayat is very well informed about various subjects related to health and well-being. She is constantly learning to update her knowledge. She explained many things about the subtle workings of genetic programming and its effects in our present life. She then proceeded to work on peeling out the negative layers. I highly recommend a trial to see the results. Hayat is a wonderful human being and I am glad to call her a teacher and also a friend.

Each lifetime is a learning process to become a better human being in order to ultimately merge with the Divine. This process is called ‘Moksh’ (a Sanskrit word) which means liberation from the cycles of life. Hayat’s Theta healing, yoga and breathing sessions are a right step in that direction

Dhanraj Poojari

I realize and learn from you Hayat. Hayat you taught me that hate can be turned into love anger into forgiveness. You have made me transform and your advice was also echoed in the books that I have started reading since February. You are awesome and Divine. If you could effect me so much, imagine how many people you can effect and help. My whole world had come to a complete stop! I hated my job, my business and myself. I had faced so many challenges in February!! I was stressed, depressed and started to have thoughtsstop thoughts of defeat. I then met this amazing healer, I can tell you today it was not a coincidence. It was planned. She was a natural healer. An amazing listener. A person with so much compassion and love an angel. She started to talk to me, text me, email me links, recommend books for reading and she started to heal me through Theta Healing. I could not understand why my thoughts were always centered around being a victim. Why I kept getting blocks. Why I couldn't be the highest and best version of me. Thetha healing is something I never knew existed and its something that has transformed me. If you havent tried a session already, you should, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Take charge of your life, heal yourself, learn about your body, thoughts and transform. I recommend Hayat today to everyone i see that i feel can benefit from Healing...


Thank you very much for yesterday. I already feel liberated. I'm breathing deeply and my stomach is free. I will definitely be back for more regularly.


Hayat is a very caring and thorough healer.. she genuinely cares to track the problem to its root.. She has an open heart and makes you feel welcomed and at home.. I like that she verbalizes and challenges you to go deeper. She helped me resolve things I was not aware of (I'm also a healer) and I'm very grateful. Thanks Hayat!.

Marcus R.

The session i had with Hayat was life changing, it made me aware of all the energies around me and how much energy frequencies effect everything that you do. I went in to the session with a load on my back and realized how much negativity i had been holding in and left feeling lighter than ever and with a huge smile on my face. Hayat is one of the most pleasant people i have ever come across, she just gives and gives. I would recommend her to everyone, it's one of the best things i have ever experienced.


Not only did she help enlighten and awaken me on this beautiful path i am taking now towards love and away from fear, but she also is an inspiration of what i want to be as a human being, giving love, spreading love, and highlighting to people the light that shines within them


My experience with Hayat during our Theta Healing session left me calm, with a clear mind, which was precisely what I was looking for. Her genuine concern made the experience that much more personable and her follow up after the session has been impeccable. Hayat lives and breathes what she does and you definitely feel warm and secure in her presence. I highly recommend anyone who is looking to start a positive shift in their lives to start with Hayat
