Chinese Energetics: One of the most powerful energy modalities to heal and re-align the body, mind and spirit.
This energetic technique that has taken 5,000 years of ancient Chinese Shaolin temple healing. Combined with western knowledge it is a blending of anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics and Qi and Shen Gong Training.

This touch-free method retraces and explores the imbalances that create conditions. It finds the root cause of these symptoms and eliminates them restoring balance and leading to instant results.

The premise is that your body functions like a computer – you are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue. Pain is a sign that something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body. Humans are multi-faceted beings with multiple levels of consciousness. The method works to make sure that all levels of consciousness are congruent so that pain may be eliminated immediately and goals attained.

The human brain and the central nervous system work together like a computer system. Pain arises when accumulation of too many unneeded programs slows down our computer system and causes energy congestion. Chinese Energetics is a simple way to find the root cause of any life issue, to delete and rewrite our computer program (for Deletion and Correction) and to remove the sabotages that hold us back from life, thus optimizing the performance in all aspects of life.

It enables individuals to enjoy optimum health, prosperity, and success in life, harmony in relationships and personal progress and growth. It can also increases your energy, and maximize your potential to reduce the aging process of the body, mind, and spirit in a quick way.

Levels of consciousness

The Chinese Energetics Method works to ensure that all levels of consciousness are in balance so that pain may be eliminated immediately and goals attained. In the western world, pain is usually treated with prescribed or over the counter medication. Individuals that are in chronic pain can experience continuing pain that medication only masks but does not resolve. They may be told to manage the pain and live with it. In the east, pain is seen as a symptom of a deeper issue. If there is something wrong with the flow of energy in the body causing the manifestation of a physical condition then the pain is only a symptom. Working with a Chinese Energetics Practitioner shows you how to identify the deeper core issues. Finding the root of the issue and eliminating it makes it possible to release the physical symptom as well as emotional issues, fears, phobias, and limitations.

We are unique individuals

As human beings we are unique individuals. We can appear to be the same in many respects yet we are so very different. We all have our own individual thoughts, ideas, concerns, fears, phobias, loves, and hates. We also have many levels of consciousness and what we say and consciously think is not always what we subconsciously support. This is where we run into the stumbling blocks. We think and many times truly believe we know what we want but our subconscious may or may not support those wants. We go through our daily lives thinking or saying, “This is what I want” or “this is what I would like,” but until all levels of consciousness support these thoughts, we will not achieve our health or goals.

Chinese Energetics makes it possible to clear and correct these multiple layers that keep us from manifesting our highest potential. By energetically peeling away the outer layers of issues until we reach the true cause(s) we can then allow the real healing takes place.

Instant results in restoring balance

Energies can create imbalances but they are not the direct causes of illness. We need to retrace the steps and explore the true causes of the unfavorable conditions and symptoms associated with the imbalance. Any blockage or stagnation can be resolved leading to instant results in restoring balance.


How long can I expect the results to last?

Every energetic correction made has a permanent effect and many problems are completely relieved in one session. On the other hand, a number of problems involve several key factors with multiple layers of causation. How many treatments required for complete healing depends on the type, amount and complexity (i.e. past life issues, fears, memories, traumas, other dimensions, etc.) of the problems to be corrected. As a client’s field reveals each successive causative factor, that aspect is permanently corrected. Pain and dysfunction diminish gradually as each energetic weakness is accessed and reversed. When the final correction is made, the last remnants of pain/imbalance vanish.

How you will know that your issue is cleared?

When the issues have been cleared or eliminated, you will no longer react to them or be affected by them, you should feel differently, neutral to te issue. You will know if you are clear of your reactions to the issue in one of two ways – the situation that you reacted to before, may not happen again; or the next time it does, you will not react at all. Your physical reality may not change immediately but your reactions will. Another way of knowing that you are clearing your issues is by the length of time your reaction lasts. As you clear more issues, you will see the reaction time go down. The length of time of your reaction will be shorter and shorter with every issue you can clear through.”

Is a specific religious belief or faith in the process necessary for it to work?

Absolutely not. The energetic corrections work regardless of the patient’s religious or ideological beliefs. The technique simply reveals the ultimate origins of a problem and corrects them on an energetic level. Transcending religious dogma, it simply works.

Are sessions in person or over skype/phone more effective?

Both are effective. My conversation with you is what guides us, whether we are in person or on the phone. I have found it is simpler for us to work over the skype/phone. This allows me to work with anyone, regardless of where they live.

Can Chinese Energetics work in conjunction with other healing processes?

Yes. It can be used to support any other modality you are using or want to use. For example, if you are receiving chiropractic care, the Yuen Method can be used to strengthen and support your body in holding the adjustments.

How effective is the Method when used by itself?

Very effective. Sometimes one session can clear a physical pain or emotional issue completely. Other times, there may be multiple layers contributing to the problem, and several sessions could be required to clear it completely.

When will I see noticeable results?

Almost always, you will feel a decrease of your symptoms during the first session.

Will I need a single session, or are repeated sessions necessary?

When working with deeply ingrained patterns, several sessions may be needed. Many different factors can contribute to a problem, so my work is personalized to fit your needs.

What are some of the areas where the it can be helpful?

For physical issues, such as chronic pain, headaches, back pain, arthritis, inflammation or stiffness. Also, mental/emotional issues, such as anger, fear, depression and addictions.

I am skeptical, will this affect the outcome of the work?

“I want to assure you that you do not have to believe in it to get the results you desire. It would actually be better if you did not believe in it too strongly, just be open for it to happen either way.” – Dr. Kam Yuen, Chinese Energetics. Skepticism does not affect the work we do.

Does it work for everyone?

Yes. Everyone has negative influences that affect them, and everyone can feel a difference once they have been strengthened. However, each person may perceive the shift differently, depending on his or her level of receptivity, willingness to change, and readiness to choose to feel better.

How can it help me?

The Yuen Method™ can help your mind and body heal itself by making you strong to the underlying negative influences that may be affecting you, which you may not be aware of. It can help you if you have ANY physical pains or ailments that have yet to be resolved — if, for example, you have suffered from years of chronic pain, or an imbalance of your internal systems. It can help you if you have anything affecting you on a mental, emotional, psychological, psychic or spiritual level that is beyond medicine and therapy that you know is off balance. It can help to strengthen and rejuvenate your body and systems, reverse aging, and achieve better fitness. It can help you in all of your relationships and family and business matters by strengthening you for good communications, understanding, and clarity, helping you attract and create what you want. It can help strengthen you in financial matters and finding your purpose in life, making you strong to all that you want out of life and helping you to actualize your full potential. It can make you strong to the constant bombardment of thousands of incoming influences on conscious, subconscious and other levels whether they are through frequencies, TV, from things you read, other people’s energies, collective consciousness fears, stresses, environmental toxins, etc.

Why would I choose Chinese Energetics instead of something else?

  • Because you may be reluctant to use an alternative method of treatment that involves physical manipulation, taking outside substances, meditation, and / or psychological treatment.
  • Because healing the body and mind is more about releasing negative influences and strengthening the body and mind to heal naturally rather than adding something to like medications, herbs, supplements, and the like.
  • Because other alternative techniques may not actually get to the root of your issue, only addressing it to a certain degree, leaving you in pain or imbalanced.
  • Because you have a choice to eliminate your pains and ailments versus just managing them.
  • Because it’s convenient; it can be done remotely over the internet/phone, so it’s available to anyone anywhere.
  • Because, in the end, it may save you lots of time and money.

Call +971 55 717 1813 or email to book a session TODAY!


Thank you very much for yesterday. I already feel liberated. I’m breathing deeply and my stomach is free. I will definitely be back for more regularly.
Hayat is a very caring and thorough healer.. she genuinely cares to track the problem to its root.. She has an open heart and makes you feel welcomed and at home.. I like that she verbalizes and challenges you to go deeper. She helped me resolve things I was not aware of (I’m also a healer) and I’m very grateful. Thanks Hayat!.
Marcus R
The session i had with Hayat was life changing, it made me aware of all the energies around me and how much energy frequencies effect everything that you do. I went in to the session with a load on my back and realized how much negativity i had been holding in and left feeling lighter than ever and with a huge smile on my face. Hayat is one of the most pleasant people i have ever come across, she just gives and gives. I would recommend her to everyone, it’s one of the best things i have ever experienced.
T .B.
Not only did she help enlighten and awaken me on this beautiful path i am taking now towards love and away from fear, but she also is an inspiration of what i want to be as a human being, giving love, spreading love, and highlighting to people the light that shines within theme